Highlights of Board of Education Meeting on February 12

February 13, 2002
The Board of Education met yesterday [Tuesday, February 12] and, among other items, unanimously approved a resolution requesting that the state Department of Education delay further Maryland School Performance Assessment Program (MSPAP) testing, appointed a High School Task Force on academic rigor, reviewed an update on crisis preparedness, appointed three administrators, voted positions on items of education legislation before the Maryland General Assembly, and approved the observance of Women’s History Month in March.

Resolution on Maryland School Performance Assessment Program (MSPAP)

The Board unanimously approved a resolution requesting the state Superintendent of Schools to delay any further use of the current MSPAP until and unless the test is reconstituted to reflect the best interests of parents, students, teachers, and principals, as well as national educational policy.

Increasing Academic Rigor

The Board reviewed a report on issues of academic rigor at the secondary level and approved the membership list of a High School Task Force to explore programs, practices, and structures for schools to prepare students for postsecondary education and the world of work.

Update on Emergency/Crisis Preparedness

The Board reviewed a status report on the readiness of Montgomery County Public Schools to respond to an emergency or crisis situation within the school system, or countywide in conjunction with the Montgomery County Emergency Management Group. The report included a comprehensive, systemwide Emergency Response Plan.


The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

Susanne G. DeGraba, currently controller and assistant treasurer, The Catholic University of America, as chief financial officer, Department of Financial Services, Office of the Chief Operating Officer

Betty J. Collins, currently principal, Galway Elementary School, as director, Staff Development Initiatives, Office of Staff Development

Laura Steinberg, currently acting coordinator, Quality Assurance and Compliance, Office of Shared Accountability, as coordinator, Quality Assurance and Compliance

Positions on Education Legislation

The Board voted positions on items of education legislation pending before the Maryland General Assembly.

Women’s History Month

The Board approved the observance in March of Women’s History Month in recognition of the hard work, vision, and achievements of female students, staff, business, and community leaders in Montgomery County.

Board of Education: Mr. Reginald M. Felton, president; Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Ms. Sharon W. Cox, Mrs. Nancy J. King,
Mr. Walter N. Lange, and Mr. Dustin Jeter, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary-treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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