Highlights of May 14 Board of Education Meeting

May 15, 2002
The Board of Education met yesterday [May 14] and, among other items, approved a Memorandum of Understanding regarding Educational Facilities Officers, tentatively approved a policy on Parental Involvement, discussed an update on the Phoenix Program, and approved eight administrative appointments. The Board also discussed an update on Shared Accountability, recognized recipients of NAACP scholarships, and approved the observation of Salute to Food and Nutrition Service Personnel Day.

Educational Facilities Officers

The Board endorsed and approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the chief of police and the superintendent of schools outlining program responsibilities in support of the Educational Facilities Officers Program federal grant application.

Update on Phoenix Program

The Board reviewed an update on the effects of collocation of the alternative high school programs Journey and Phoenix. The programs have been housed together at the Emory Grove Center since the Phoenix facility at Hadley Farm was destroyed by fire in May 2001.

Administrative Appointments

The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

§ Lawrence Chep, currently principal of Darnestown Elementary School, as principal of Rachel Carson Elementary School.

§ Lee F. Derby, currently elementary principal intern at Luxmanor Elementary School, as principal of Garrett Park Elementary School.

§ Annette M. Ffolkes, currently elementary principal intern at Jones Lane Elementary School, as principal of Galway Elementary School.

§ Dennis R. Nelson, currently principal of Floris Elementary School in the Fairfax County Public Schools, as principal of Fallsmead Elementary School.

§ Cheryl D. Pulliam, currently elementary principal intern at Oakland Terrace Elementary School, as principal of Oakland Terrace Elementary School.

§ Patsy S. Roberson, currently acting principal of Rock View Elementary School, as principal at Rock View Elementary School.

§ Alfred J. Sklarew, currently principal of Somerset Elementary School, as principal of Candlewood Elementary School.

§ Eric Mills, currently principal of Cedar Grove Elementary School, as director of Elementary Leadership Development, Office of Staff Development.

Policy on Parental Involvement

An amended Policy ABC, “Parental Involvement,” was tentatively approved to be distributed for public comment. The policy outlines a county wide standard for the use of voluntary parental agreements that would provide strategies for parents to support student learning.

Update on Shared Accountability

An update on the System of Shared Accountability focused on accountability at the school level, particularly on how the process affects students. Administrators, teachers, and students in the Gaithersburg Cluster described effective practices and assessment of individual progress.

School Food and Nutrition Service Personnel

The Board marked the observance of the seventeenth annual Salute to School Food and Nutrition Service Personnel Day and recognized selected representatives of food and nutrition service personnel.

NAACP Scholarship Recipients

The Board recognized the accomplishments of eight MCPS students who have received $1,000 scholarships from the Montgomery County Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Board of Education: Mr. Reginald M. Felton, president; Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Ms. Sharon W. Cox, Mrs. Nancy J. King, Mr. Walter N. Lange, and Mr. Dustin Jeter, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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