Springbrook HS Senior to be Sworn in as Student Board Member

June 28, 2002
Mihyar Alnifaidy, a senior at Springbrook High School, will be sworn in for a one-year term as the student member of the Board of Education on Monday, July 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Carver Educational Services Center in Rockville. The swearing-in ceremony will be conducted by Montgomery County Clerk Molly Ruhl.

Alnifaidy is the 25th student member of the Board. He was chosen by 70.35 percent of the secondary students who cast ballots in the April 24th election conducted by the Montgomery County Region of the Maryland Association of Student Councils (MCR).

Alnifaidy has been a member of the Montgomery County Region of the Maryland Association of Student Councils, Student Government Association Representative, and president of his class during both his freshman and sophomore years. He has participated in a mentoring program called B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. for the past three years and has been a member of his school’s football, lacrosse, and cross country teams.

Alnifaidy also attended Cresthaven and Burnt Mills elementary schools and Francis Scott Key Middle School.

The retiring student member of the Board of Education is Dustin Jeter, a 2002 graduate of Seneca Valley High School.

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