Highlights of September 23 Board of Education Meeting

September 24, 2002
The Board of Education met yesterday [September 23] and, among other items, discussed an update on the No Child Left Behind Act and accepted a report from the Advisory Council for Career and Technology Education. The Board also discussed the new state assessments, approved the school system’s observance of Walk Our Children to School Day, and voted to move forward with an implementing regulation for Policy BFA, Policysetting.

Update on No Child Left Behind Act

The Board reviewed an update on the regulations for implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act, including issues of inconsistency among states in standards identifying low performing schools.

Report of Advisory Council for Career and Technology Education

The Board voted to accept the 2001-2002 annual report from the Montgomery County Advisory Council for Career and Technology Education. The report included six recommendations regarding the College Tech Prep program, the Career and Technology Education (CTE) annual awards, county job needs, worker’s compensation for student interns and volunteers, CTE signature programs in upper Montgomery County, and gender equity in certain CTE skill areas.

New State Assessments

The Board and Superintendent Weast discussed the implications for local school systems of the new state assessments announced recently by the Maryland State Department of Education.

Walk Our Children to School Day

The Board approved the observance of Walk Our Children to School Day on Wednesday, October 2, and encouraged attention to the safety of pedestrians, particularly student walkers.

Regulation for Policy BFA

The Board voted to proceed with development of an implementing regulation for Policy BFA, Policysetting, and asked that a draft regulation be submitted for its review.

Board of Education: Mr. Reginald M. Felton, president; Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Ms. Sharon W. Cox, Mrs. Nancy J. King, Mr. Walter N. Lange, and Mr. Mihyar Alnifaidy, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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