Options Considered to Resume Outdoor Athletics

October 17, 2002
A planning group with expertise in school athletics, logistics, security, transportation, high school administration, and county government met on Wednesday night, October 16, to identify options for student athletes in the Montgomery County Public Schools to return to outdoor practices and competitions, if at all possible. The group presented its report today, October 17, in a meeting with Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools.

Continued development of potential options is under way, including resumption of tennis at indoor sites and golf and cross country at alternative sites. Further options are being developed for the remaining sports of football, field hockey, and soccer.

A meeting will be held on Monday, October 21, on ways in which some, if not all, of the outdoor sports can be resumed, with considerations being given to the availability of time and locations for sufficient practice sessions, as well as security, facilities, transportation, equipment, and other factors.

A copy of the planning group’s report is attached as a PDF file and it is available on the web at the link below.

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