Superintendent's Letter on Current Activities

October 21, 2002
A new letter (#10) is being sent to parents, students, and staff today [Monday, October 21] from the superintendent, and the text is below. The letter is attached available on the web at the link below.

Update #10

Dear Parents, Students, and Staff:

Even in the best of times, a rainy day cancellation of outdoor activities can cause considerable disruption. The loss of more than two weeks of outdoor activities magnifies this problem, creating frustration, anxiety and, in some cases, anger and resentment. This is certainly the situation in schools this week where recess has been canceled and the impact on athletic events is being felt personally among student athletes and their families.

There are no easy answers to this problem. For student athletes, the issues involve 92 teams from 23 high schools in a variety of sports for boys and girls, including field hockey, football, golf, soccer, and tennis. There literally are several hundred student athletes practicing indoors with the hope that some type of season will be salvaged.

I ask for your continued patience and support. Parents with young children may wish to consult with their schools about indoor activities at home. A package of developmentally appropriate activities and projects in art, physical education, and music has been provided to teachers to supplement ongoing activities. Some ideas for parents are being posted on the system’s website.

Restrictions on outdoor activities will continue for Tuesday, October 22, 2002. The school system is not alone in this effort. The Montgomery County government has canceled events, too, including all outdoor adult activities at school system fields and public recreation areas. Local municipalities, community organizations, and neighborhood groups have canceled events, as well. These are prudent, precautionary steps, taken by people who are concerned with addressing the necessary safety and security needs presented by this continuing emergency.


Jerry D. Weast, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

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