Highlights of Feb. 24 Board of Education Meeting

February 25, 2003
The Board of Education met on Monday [February 24] and, among other items, approved the High School Curriculum Frameworks and appointed a new principal.

In addition, the Board discussed the Professional Growth System for administrative and supervisory personnel and approved changes in the plan for retiree health benefits. The Board also approved positions on items of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly and approved the observance of Women’s History Month.

High School Curriculum Frameworks

The Board voted to approve the High School Curriculum Frameworks in Algebra 1, Biology, English 9, Geometry; and National, State, and Local Government (NSL). Approval of the curriculum followed an extensive period of public comment and external review by Achieve, Inc. The curriculum revisions are in the courses to be assessed in Phase I of the Maryland High School Assessments and are derived from rigorous local, state, national, and international standards.


The Board approved the following administrative appointment:

· Henry R. Johnson, Jr., currently principal of West Potomac High School in Alexandria, Virginia (Fairfax County), as principal of Northwood High School. Mr. Johnson will assume the principalship this summer, in preparation of reopening the school for the 2004-2005 school year.

Administrative and Supervisory Professional Growth System

The Board discussed an update on development of the Professional Growth System (PGS) for administrative and supervisory personnel. Similar to the PGS for teachers, the purpose of the PGS for administrative and supervisory personnel is to establish a system for developing, evaluating, and retaining administrators. Initial work of the PGS steering committee has focused on the position of principal, to be followed by other school-based and central office administrative and supervisory positions.

Retiree Health Benefits

The Board approved a staged implementation of health benefit plan changes for retirees. The changes were made following a review by the Board Audit Committee, representatives of the MCPS Retirees Association, and MCPS staff. The changes represent an important step in managing rapidly increasing retiree health insurance costs, while providing increased flexibility and options for retirees. An improved communication program is designed to provide retirees with information that will allow them to partner with MCPS in controlling escalating health care costs.

Items of Legislation

The Board voted its positions on items of legislation pending before the Maryland General Assembly.

Women’s History Month

The Board approved the observance in March of Women’s History Month, recognizing female students, staff, and community and business leaders for their hard work, vision, and achievements. The Maryland Women’s History Project has selected the theme Celebrating the Maryland Women’s Heritage Trail for this year’s observance.

Board of Education: Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, president; Ms. Sharon W. Cox, vice president. Members: Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Mr. Reginald M. Felton, Dr. Charles Haughey, Mr. Walter N. Lange, Mr. Gabe Romero, and Mr. Mihyar Alnifaidy, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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