Grant to Fund Online K-12 Digital Library

September 3, 2003
The School Library Media Programs unit of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is playing a leading role in a statewide consortium that is developing an online library for Maryland students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 called the MDK12 Digital Library.

The online library will allow schools, including Title I schools that serve many students in poverty, to have greater access to resources that support teaching and learning, as well as provide enrichment and support opportunities for staff, students, and families.

The new MDK12 project is supported by federal Enhancing Education Through Technology funds awarded by the state to MCPS as the lead agency in a consortium of local school systems and participating non-public schools. MCPS will be responsible for administering funds and coordinating activities.

The consortium is working to develop effective ways to use technology in education by pooling skills, expertise, and funds. The funding grant from the state will allow for the purchase of online information databases that will serve school systems throughout Maryland, resulting in cost-effective licensing agreements and consistent access to information throughout the state.

For more information, contact:
Gail Bailey, director
MCPS School Library Media Programs
Tel.: 301-279-3215

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