Teachers Sought for After-School Programs

September 29, 2003
Eighteen Title I elementary schools soon will begin after-school programs and are seeking teachers for these after-school activities that are designed to extend the benefits of the school day.

Students will have an opportunity to participate in programs such as Soar to Success, After School Math Achievers, Reading Together USA -- Cross Age Peer Tutoring, and other approved school-based extended day programs.

The elementary schools offering these programs are Broad Acres and Burnt Mills (Northeast Consortium); Highland View, New Hampshire Estates, Montgomery Knolls, Oak View, Pine Crest, Rolling Terrace, and East Silver Spring (Blair Cluster); Highland (Einstein Cluster); Kemp Mill (Kennedy Cluster); Harmony Hills, Viers Mill, Weller Road, and Wheaton Woods (Wheaton Cluster); and Gaithersburg, Rosemont, and Summit Hall (Gaithersburg Cluster).

Teachers who are interested in teaching in extended day programs at this group of schools are encouraged to submit a resume using FirstClass (MCPS Information/Transfer Candidates/Extended Day Form). Principals will use the information in the Extended Day Resumes folder for selecting candidates from outside their school for the extended day programs. Interested teachers who already work in the 18 schools may contact their principal directly.

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