Magruder Students Produce Video on Brown Decision

April 21, 2004
On Friday, April 23, students at Col. Zadok Magruder High School will watch a special student-produced video titled, “Magruder High Presents Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary.” The 20-minute oral history presentation features teachers, former teachers, staff, parents, and students and shows how the Brown decision has affected the lives of people in the Magruder educational community.

After viewing the video during an extended first period class on April 23 (7:25 a.m. until 8:43 a.m.), students will write a brief reflection about the video and the Brown decision on cards to be displayed in the lobby of the main entrance to the school.

The video production has been coordinated by Twila Cavey, media specialist at Magruder, and assisted by Lee Schneiderman, a junior at Magruder who is a student intern with Cavey, and members of the student Cinematography Club. Students conducted the interviews, served as narrators, and worked in all areas of production.

The oral history video is one of many projects and events taking place throughout Montgomery County Public Schools in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Brown v. the Topeka, Kansas, Board of Education. More information is available on the school system website.

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