Board Tentatively Approves Master Plan Update

July 27, 2007
ROCKVILLE, MD—The Board of Education met on Thursday (July 26) and, among other items, tentatively approved an update to the Comprehensive Master Plan. The Board also made two administrative appointments and discussed the Fiscal Year 2007 Operating Budget Year-End Financial Report.

Comprehensive Master Plan Update

The Board tentatively approved an update of the five-year Comprehensive Master Plan, an annual update of the plan required of local school systems in Maryland under the Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act of 2002. Final approval of the update is planned for the October 9 Board meeting, after all relevant data for inclusion in the report is received from the Maryland State Department of Education. The strategic plan for Montgomery County Public Schools, Our Call to Action: Pursuit of Excellence (approved by the Board in July 2007), has served as a basis for updating the state-mandated plan. The Comprehensive Master Plan incorporates the focus areas and goals of the Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act and the Board’s academic priorities and goals that aim to improve achievement for all students and narrow gaps among subgroups of students.

The Comprehensive Master Plan will be submitted to the county executive and County Council, as required by law this year, 60 days prior to the state submission date of October 15, 2007.


The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

Rebecca A. Amani-Dove, currently assessment specialist, School-Based Instruction and Achievement, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs, as coordinator of special initiatives, Office of the Chief Academic Officer

Paulina I. Masick, currently instructional specialist, Department of Special Education Services, as supervisor, special education, Division of School-Based Special Education Services

Fiscal Year-End Financial Report

The Board discussed the FY 2007 Operating Budget Year-End Financial Report in which surpluses in operating budget categories are delineated and explained. The FY 2007 expenditure surplus was due in part to a mild winter, lower than anticipated enrollment that permitted holding teacher and supporting services positions in reserve, savings in tuition for special education students in nonpublic placement, and some positions in schools and offices remaining vacant at the end of the fiscal year.

Board of Education: Mrs. Nancy Navarro, president. Ms. Shirley Brandman, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Christopher Barclay, Ms. Sharon Cox, Dr. Judy Docca, Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, and Mr. Ben Moskowitz, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary-treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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