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Board to Hold Hearing on Wheaton/Edison Modernization (UPDATED)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 15 regarding the modernization of Wheaton High School and the Thomas Edison High School of Technology.
The public is invited to comment on the superintendent's recommendation and two Board of Education alternatives for the modernization project.
On February 10, Superintendent Jerry D. Weast released his recommendation for the modernization of the two schools, which share a campus in the Wheaton section of Montgomery County. The recommendation included input from the Wheaton/Edision Roundtable Advisory Committee.
On February 28, the Board discussed the superintendent’s recommendation and approved two alternatives that will be considered:
· Alternative 1: That Edison and Wheaton be constructed as separate buildings on the site of the current shared facility, with separate identifiable structures using education specifications that are appropriate to the separate and independent missions of the two schools.
· Alternative 2: That a single facility be constructed so as to have a portion meet the educational specifications for Wheaton and a portion meet the educational specifications for Edison, with shared facilities as appropriate, but that the two schools have separate and identifiable spaces and entrances.
The Board of Education will hold its public hearing on Tuesday, March 15, at 7 p.m., in the auditorium at the Carver Educational Services Center (CESC), 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, MD. 20850.
Members of the public wishing to testify at the hearing should contact the Board of Education at (301) 279-3617. Reservations for speakers will be accepted until all slots are filled. Speakers will have three minutes to present their testimony, which should also be submitted in writing by noon on March 15 to the Board of Education office. The written testimony can be emailed to boe@mcpsmd.org, sent by fax to 301-279-3860 or delivered to the Board office at CESC, room 123.
If testimony is not provided in advance, speakers are requested to provide 20 copies of their written testimony to the hearing.
Read the Superintendent's Recommendation
Learn More about Board Public Hearings and Public Participation
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