Advisory Committee Report on B-CC Middle School Location Submitted

March 13, 2012
A committee reviewing possible locations for a second middle school in the Bethesda-Chevy Chase cluster has completed its report and is recommending two sites for Superintendent Joshua P. Starr to consider.

The Site Selection Advisory Committee (SSAC) is recommending Rock Creek Hills Local Park and North Chevy Chase Local Park as the two sites for the new middle school, with Rock Creek Hills Local Park the preferred location. 

The SSAC was comprised of 47 members, representing homeowner associations, parent-teacher associations and municipalities in the cluster.  In addition, representatives from the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), county agencies, the Montgomery County Council, and Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) served on the committee. The committee reviewed 38 candidate sites.

The committee report is being posted for public comment until March 26. Comments can be emailed to Mr. Bruce Crispell, director, MCPS Division of Long-range Planning at  or Ms. Janice Turpin, real estate management team leader, MCPS Department of Facilities Management, at  All comments will be reviewed by the superintendent prior to his recommendation being released on March 30.
The Board of Education is expected to take action on the site for the new middle school on April 12.

Site Selection Advisory Committee Report


March 12-26
: Report posted for public comment
March 15: Briefing on report to Montgomery County Planning Board
March 30: Superintendent's recommendation released
April 9: Mandatory referral on report and recommended sites at Montgomery County Planning Board
April 12: Montgomery County Board of Education action

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