Board of Education Takes Tentative Action on EpiPen Policy; Approves Use of Provision for Future Supported Projects

September 25, 2012
The Montgomery County Board of Education met on Monday, September 24, 2012, at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. Among other items, the Board held a work session on goal setting for the superintendent, tentatively approved a new policy on the use of EpiPens in schools, and approved the use of the Fiscal Year 2013 Provision for Future Supported Projects. The agenda for the meeting, with links to related materials, can be viewed on the Board of Education website.

Policy JPD, Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis 

The Board of Education has tentatively adopted Policy JPD,
Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis, in response to Maryland Senate Bill 621. Senate Bill 621 requires local boards of education to develop policies regarding the use of epinephrine auto-injectors. Policy JPD authorizes the school nurse and other school personnel to administer auto-injectable epinephrine to a student who is determined to be or perceived to be in anaphylaxis. Policy JPD also requires the superintendent of schools to establish procedures regarding training to recognize the symptoms of anaphylaxis, procedures for emergency administration of auto-injectable epinephrine, and proper follow-up emergency procedures. The policy will now be distributed for public comment and returned to the Board for final action at its October 22, 2012, meeting. The time period for public comment is shorter than what is typically provided in order to meet the requirements of Senate Bill 621. Read the Board Memo

Fiscal Year 2013 Provision for Future Supported Projects

The Board approved the superintendent’s request for utilization of the FY 2013 Provision for Future Supported Projects on various new and continuing MCPS projects. The Provision for Future Supported Projects is a lump sum appropriation that allows the Board of Education, under certain conditions, to approve the receipt and expenditure of unanticipated grant funds throughout the year. The projects are as follows:

·  Innovative Minds of Tomorrow Institute at Argyle Middle School
·  Support for Families and Students with Emotional Disabilities and in Alternative Programs
·  National Institute of Standards and Technology Research Experience for Teachers
·  Title I, Part D—Program for Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk Children
Read the Board Memo

Goal Setting

The Board held a work session where it discussed goal setting for the coming year for Superintendent Joshua Starr. The Board is in the process of establishing the 2012-2013 goals for the superintendent. The Board is also in the process of developing its 2012-2013 work plan that will be aligned with the three strategic priorities for this school year: interventions, community engagement and professional development.


The Board of Education approved the following administrative appointment:

-Helen A. Nixon, coordinator, Department of Recruitment and Staffing, as coordinator, Special Initiatives, Office of Professional Development and School Support

Other Items

The Board also took action on other items:

Passed a resolution proclaiming October 3, 2012 as “Walk to School Day”
-Passed a resolution declaring the month of October as National Disability Awareness Month in MCPS
Passed a resolution declaring the month of October as Maryland Family Engagement Month

About the Board of Education
The Montgomery County Board of Education is the official educational policymaking body in the county. The Board is responsible for the direction and operation of the public school system. The Board consists of seven county residents elected by voters for a four-year term and a student elected by secondary school students for a one-year term. Board members are elected countywide but run at-large or from the Board district in which they reside.

Montgomery County Board of Education: Ms. Shirley Brandman, president; Mr. Christopher Barclay, vice president. Members: Ms. Laura Berthiaume, Dr. Judy Docca, Mr. Michael Durso, Mr. Phil Kauffman, Ms. Patricia O’Neill, and Mr. John Mannes, student member. Dr. Joshua P. Starr, superintendent and secretary-treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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