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Board Approves Einstein Boundary Study and Capital Budget Amendments, Discusses ESOL Funding
In addition, the Board voted positions on legislation before the Maryland General Assembly; discussed updates on the Montgomery County Business Roundtable, indoor air quality, and recycling; and set fees for summer school, GED, and adult education.
The Board also approved an administrative appointment, amendments to the capital budget and CIP request, amendments to the regulation on change orders, a resolution on rehiring of retired teachers, and the observance of Arab American Heritage Month.
ESOL Funding Formula
The Board discussed the current status of Maryland State funding for the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program, including information that supports efforts to increase ESOL funding across the State and in Montgomery County.
Einstein Boundary Study
The Board approved the scope for the Albert Einstein Middle School #2 boundary study that will be conducted during the spring of 2001 to include the five elementary feeder schools in the cluster.
Elementary School Naming
The Board recommended a list of three possible names for Northwest Elementary School #6. They are Alan Cheung, Lavinia Margaret Engle, and Spark Matsunaga. The Board will forward the names to the principal of the school for consideration by the school naming committee.
Items of Legislation
The Board approved positions on items of legislation pending before the Maryland General Assembly.
Indoor Air Quality
The Board reviewed an update on the first phase of a multi-year program to address Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) issues in schools. A team of IAQ specialists conducted building assessments, performed preventive maintenance and repairs, and provided training plans for building personnel. Initial results have been positive, with post-IAQ parameters and building occupant satisfaction improved in all schools visited by the team.
The Board reviewed an update on school system recycling efforts, currently improved to 15 percent. The target for the 2001-2002 school year is 20 percent. The goal is to double the previous year's rate until the 50 percent level is achieved.
Update on Montgomery County Business Roundtable
The Board heard an update on recent outreach and partnership activities of the Montgomery County Business Roundtable for Education.
Education Fees
The Board approved increases in the fees charged for enterprise summer school classes, adult education, and GED. This is the first fee increase since 1998. Reduced summer school fees for students from families with low income, as well as non-enterprise fund summer school classes such as special education enrichment programs and ESOL, will be maintained at the current level.
Gwendolyn J. Mason, currently assistant instructional supervisor, Special Education K-12, Prince George's County Public Schools, as special education supervisor, Division of Programs and Services.
Amendments to Capital Budget and CIP
The Board voted to increase the FY 2002 Capital Budget appropriation request by $1,560,000 in order to follow up on planning studies initiated by Board actions in the fall.
Regulation on Change Order for Construction Contracts
The Board approved amendments to regulation FEA-RA, "Change Order for Construction Contracts," that reflect changes including approval limits and outdated nomenclature.
Rehiring of Retired Teachers
The Board voted to support an amendment to a draft Maryland State Board of Education resolution on the rehiring of retired teachers that would exclude them from collective bargaining.
Arab American Heritage Month
The Board approved the observance of Arab American Heritage Month during April in Montgomery County Public Schools.
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