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Board of Education Meeting Postponed to March 17
The Montgomery County Board of Education meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 14, has been postponed due to potential emergency weather conditions.
The meeting will now be held on Friday, March 17. The Board will meet in closed session beginning at 9 a.m. and public agenda items are scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. The public portion of the meeting will be broadcast live on the MCPS website and on MCPS TV (Comcast Channel 34).
The revised agenda, with related materials attached, can be found on the Board of Education’s BoardDocs site.
9 a.m.: 1.0 Closed Session Approval
1.1 Acknowledgment of a Quorum
1.2 Resolution for Today’s Closed Session 10 a.m.: 2.0 Opening of Meeting
2.1 Pledge of Allegiance
2.2 Approval of the Agenda
10:05 a.m.: 3.0 Human Resources and Development
3.1 Monthly Human Resources and Development Report
10:10 a.m.: 4.0 Public Comments
10:40 a.m.: 5.0 Board/Superintendent Comments
5.1 Board/Superintendent Comments
5.2 Board Committee Updates
11:10 a.m.: 6.0 Board Policy
6.1 Final Action: Policy JEE, Student Transfers
11:45 a.m.: 7.0 Fine Arts Framework
7.1 Fine Arts Framework
7.2 Attachment 1: Grades Pre-K–8 Dance Curriculum Framework
7.3 Attachment 2: Grades Pre-K–8 General Music Curriculum Framework
7.4 Attachment 3: Grades 6–12 Harmonizing Instruments (Guitar and Piano) Curriculum Framework
7.5 Attachment 4: Grades 4–12 Traditional and Emerging Ensembles: Chorus Curriculum Framework
7.6 Attachment 5: Grades 4–12 Traditional and Emerging Ensembles: Instrumental Music Curriculum Framework
7.7 Attachment 6: Media Arts National Core Arts Standards
7.8 Attachment 7: Grades Pre-K–12 Theatre Curriculum Framework
7.9 Attachment 8: Grades Pre-K–12 Visual Art Curriculum Framework
12:15 p.m.: 8.0 Lunch and Closed Session
1:15 p.m.: 9.0 Consent Items
9.1 Contracts of $25,000 or More
9.2 Contract Approval for Bid No. 9618.3, Restroom Renovations at Various Locations—Extension
9.3 Acceptance of Hallie Wells Middle School Project
9.4 Acceptance of Julius West Middle School Addition Project
9.5 Architectural Appointments—Relocatable Classrooms Program
9.6 Award of Contract—Poolesville High School Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Replacement Project
9.7 Award of Contract—Summit Hall Elementary School Modular Classrooms Project
9.8 Montrose Center Lease Amendment
9.9 North Chevy Chase Elementary School—Right-of-Way and Temporary Construction Easement for State Highway Administration Project#MO593B38
9.10 Utilization of the Fiscal Year 2017 Provision for Future Supported Projects
1:20 p.m.: 10.0 Items of Information
10.1 Construction Progress Report
10.2 Legal Fees Report
1:25 p.m.: 11.0 Monthly Financial Report
11.1 Monthly Financial Report
1:40 p.m.: 12.0 Discussion Item
12.1 Update on Transportation Routing for Elementary Schools
3:10 p.m.: 13.0 Board of Education Items
13.1 Future Closed Session Resolution
13.2 Report of Previous Closed Sessions
13.3 New Business
3:15 p.m.: 14.0 Informational Summary 14.1 Informational Summary for February 27, 2017 Meeting
3:20 p.m.: 15.0 Adjournment
* times listed are intended for guidance only; unless changed by the Board, the order in which items appear will be followed.
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