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A Message from Jack R. Smith, Superintendent of Schools - Serious Incident at Rockville High School
Dear Community:
As you may have heard or read, a serious incident occurred at Rockville High School on March 16, 2017. The incident involves allegations of rape and the arrest of two students. I am deeply troubled by these allegations. The allegations presented in the charging documents are horrible and unacceptable. They do not represent the positive values of our students and school communities. Our thoughts are with the student who reported the incident and her family. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is committed to supporting them through these difficult times.
Please know that our school staff immediately contacted the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) once they were informed about the alleged sexual assault. MCPS continues to fully cooperate with MCPD and the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office on this matter.
Rockville High School staff, with the support of the MCPS administration, are working closely with the students and the school community to address concerns, provide support, and review security measures.
I know community members have many questions about this serious incident. To ensure we do not unintentionally prejudice an ongoing investigation, MCPS cannot provide any additional details about this specific case at this time. However, we believe more information about this incident will be made available by law enforcement in the coming weeks.
The safety and security of every student in our district is our top priority and a responsibility that we do not take lightly. We have and will continue to work every day to ensure our schools are safe places to learn.
Jack R. Smith
Superintendent of Schools
Read the letter from Rockville High School below:
March 17, 2017
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am writing to inform you about a serious incident that occurred at our school yesterday, March 16, 2017, and share with you how it is being addressed.
It was reported to administration that a student was sexually assaulted by two students in a restroom. We immediately contacted the Montgomery County Police Department. The police conducted an investigation and subsequently executed arrests on school property of the alleged assailants. I am unable to share further details at this time as this is an ongoing police investigation.
Ensuring a safe, secure and welcoming learning environment for all of our students is our top priority. Our staff remains vigilant in the monitoring of our school each and every day. Please remind your child that if they believe they are a victim of an assault or see something inappropriate, they should immediately tell a staff member.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 301-517-8105.
Billie-Jean Bensen
Principal, Rockville High School
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