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WorkSource Montgomery Announces Summer R.I.S.E. Program
County Businesses and Nonprofits Connect with High School Students through Career Shadowing
On March 28, 2017 at 11 a.m., WorkSource Montgomery Inc., in collaboration with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Montgomery County government and business and non-profit leaders, will host a press event to announce the Summer R.I.S.E. program. Starting in July, Summer R.I.S.E. will provide MCPS rising juniors and seniors with enriching career development experiences through Montgomery County businesses and nonprofit organizations.
You are invited to hear from distinguished speakers and ask questions about an innovative program that will benefit students and Montgomery County.
The Honorable Isiah Leggett, Montgomery County Executive
The Honorable Craig Rice, Montgomery County Councilmember
Dr. Maria Navarro, Chief Academic Officer, Montgomery County Public Schools
Armond Kinsey, Director HR Diversity & Inclusion and Recruitment, Kaiser Permanente
Dr. Ellie Giles, CEO, WorkSource Montgomery, Inc.
Mr. William Jawando, Esq., Director of Summer R.I.S.E.
Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States Regional Administrative Offices
2101 East Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20852
Date and Time
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
11:00 a.m.
WorkSource Montgomery, Inc. was established on July 1, 2016, as an independent public/private nonprofit organization to promote career training and placement for County workers and meet the workforce needs of local employers. For more information, visit www.worksourcemontgomery.com or connect with us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
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