Career and Technology Expo to Focus on Rigor and Relevance

April 8, 2002
Students, educators, and business and community leaders from throughout the region will participate in a Rigor, Relevance, and Restructure Expo and awards ceremony on Saturday, April 13, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at Hughes Network Systems in Germantown.

The Expo will focus on a number of academic areas in career and technology education, including the structure of smaller learning communities around broad career themes.

The Expo, sponsored by Montgomery County Public Schools and the Montgomery County Business Roundtable for Education, also will include the presentation of scholarships to students and awards to teachers for exemplary practices and programs.

For more information contact Mary Rhoderick, Expo coordinator, Division of Career and Technology Education, at 301-279-3257.

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