Kennedy High School Leads Field in Technology Challenge

May 7, 2002
Seventy-eight teams of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) elementary and secondary students competed in the 2002 Technology Challenge on April 19 at the Germantown Campus of Montgomery College. Students from John F. Kennedy High School swept the three first place awards in the high school category and also won a second place and two third place awards

This annual event is a rigorous and exciting competition where teams work to solve technology problems using a systems approach, higher-order thinking skills, and ingenuity. Judges representing the high technology, business, and industry communities assess the participants’ solutions in each challenge. Plaques, medals, and other prizes are awarded to each winning team.

The competition was developed by the MCPS technology education leadership staff and reflects the learner outcomes of the technology education curriculum. Montgomery College, the Technology Council of Maryland, the Technology Education Association of Maryland, and MCPS are co-sponsors of the event.

Winners in each category are:

High School

One Thing Leads To Another

First - John F. Kennedy HS
Second - Montgomery Blair HS
Third - John F.Kennedy HS


First - John F. Kennedy HS
Second - John F. Kennedy HS
Third - Montgomery Blair HS

Peak Performance

First - John F. Kennedy HS
Second - Montgomery Blair HS
Third - John F. Kennedy HS

Middle School

Why Didn’t I Think of That?

First - Takoma Park MS
Second - Takoma Park MS
Third - Rocky Hill MS

Pump It Up

First - John T. Baker MS
Second - Rocky Hill MS
Third - Shady Grove MS

Flights Of Fancy

First - Francis Scott Key MS
Second - Martin Luther King, Jr. MS
Third - Thomas Pyle MS

Elementary School

Wired Up!
School: Sally Ride ES
Level of Achievement: Superior

School: Clearspring ES
Level of Achievement: Excellent

School: Clearspring ES
Level of Achievement: High Achievement

School: Waters Landing ES
Level of Achievement: Honorable

School: Waters Landing ES
Level of Achievement: Honorable

Take It To The Max!
School: Clarksburg ES
Level of Achievement: Superior

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