Highlights of June 11 Meeting of the Board of Education

June 12, 2002
The Board of Education met yesterday [June 11] and, among other items, adopted the FY 2003 operating budget, conditionally approved the high school curriculum frameworks, and reviewed a report on the ESOL program. The Board also appointed a principal and recognized students who received Leadership Montgomery Youth Community Service Leadership awards.

High School Curriculum Frameworks

The Board conditionally approved the high school curriculum frameworks as the written curriculum for the courses to be assessed in Phase I of the Maryland High School Assessments (HSAs). The five courses are Algebra 1, Biology, English 9, Geometry, and National, State and Local Government. The frameworks exceed Maryland State Department of Education standards and identify the content and prerequisite skills that students need to succeed in advanced courses and postsecondary school and careers. The curriculum frameworks are the next step in the ongoing curriculum revision process, which began with the establishment of the Grades pre-K through 8 curriculum frameworks. Subsequent action will be taken in January 2003.

ESOL Program Review

The Board discussed a program review of the ESOL program and recommendations for improvement presented by the George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education. A plan of action was developed based on areas of need, which include professional development, consistent program implementation, staff allocation, data, and transitional services. All elements of the action plan will be monitored on an ongoing basis to determine their effectiveness and to make adjustments as appropriate. Periodic reports will monitor progress.

Administrative Appointment

The Board made the following appointment:

§Gregory S. Edmundson, currently an elementary principal intern at Brown Station Elementary School, as the new principal of Darnestown Elementary School.

Final Adoption of FY 2003 Operating Budget

The Board adopted the Fiscal Year 2003 operating budget of $1.4 billion, an increase of $88.5 million (6.7 percent) over the current year, following full-funding of the requested budget last month by the County Council and endorsement of the funding plan earlier this year by County Executive Douglas Duncan.

Youth Community Service Leadership Awards

Five high school students who have exhibited outstanding commitment and leadership in community service were recognized by the Board for receiving Leadership Montgomery Youth Community Service Leadership awards. The $1,000 awards have been funded for the past five years by the law firm of Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy and Ecker, P.A.

Board of Education: Mr. Reginald M. Felton, president; Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Ms. Sharon W. Cox, Mrs. Nancy J. King, Mr. Walter N. Lange, and Mr. Dustin Jeter, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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