Highlights of November 12 Board of Education Meeting

November 13, 2002
The Board of Education met yesterday [November 12] and, among other items, considered revised Policy CNE, Facility Improvements That are Not Funded with Montgomery County Revenues. The Board had a preliminary discussion on revisions to Policy IKA, Grading and Reporting, and a revised Legislative Platform was given preliminary approval. The Board approved preliminary plans for Quince Orchard Middle School #2 and a revised staff response to the annual reports of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development. In addition, the Board recognized an outstanding physics teacher, as well as the school system’s observance of Veterans’ Day and American Education Week.

Policy CNE, Facility Improvements That are Not Funded with County Revenues

The Board discussed Policy CNE, Facility Improvements That are Not Funded with Montgomery County Revenues. The policy would provide guidelines for accepting non-Montgomery County government funds for facility improvements that qualify as capital investments. Given the absence of the requisite number of votes for approval, the policy is expected to be considered at a later date.

Policy IKA, Grading and Reporting

The Board engaged in a preliminary dialogue on the philosophical direction and conceptual soundness of draft Policy IKA, Grading and Reporting. The policy is scheduled to come to the Board for tentative action in January 2003.

Quince Orchard Middle School #2

The Board approved preliminary plans for Quince Orchard Middle School #2.

Legislative Platform

The Board considered a revised Legislative Platform statement for the 2003 session of the Maryland General Assembly, providing a summary of the Board’s positions on priority issues. The platform is scheduled for final adoption in December. The document will be circulated to members of the General Assembly and the community.

Response to Reports of the Committee on Family Life and Human Development

The Board voted to accept the reports of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development and, further, approved the development of recommended additional curriculum and instructional materials that will include input from school staff, students, parents, medical professionals, and community-based groups. Materials that are developed will be submitted to the superintendent and the Board for final action.

American Education Week

The Board approved the period of November 18 - 24, 2002, to be observed as American Education Week, with the theme of “Together: Making Public Schools Great for Every Child.”

Veterans’ Day

The Board commended the Montgomery County Public Schools community for honoring and celebrating the contributions of men and women in the Armed Forces of the United States.

American Association of Physics Teachers Award

The Board recognized teacher David Spitzer— honored as a Physics Teaching Resource Agent by the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Board of Education: Mr. Reginald M. Felton, president; Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Kermit V. Burnett, Ms. Sharon W. Cox,Mrs. Nancy J. King, Mr. Walter N. Lange, and Mr. Mihyar Alnifaidy, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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