GCC-RA, Staff Self-Reporting of Arrests, Criminal Charges, and Convictions

About this Regulation

Regulation: GCC-RA

Last revised: July 24, 2017


Maryland law prohibits a county board of education from knowingly hiring or retaining any individual who has been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to certain crimes; therefore, applicants for employment with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) are required to complete a criminal history records check. After they are hired, MCPS requires that all staff members self-report if they are arrested or criminally charged for any offenses listed in this regulation, as well as the disposition of any ensuing criminal proceeding. This self-reporting requirement reflects MCPS’ commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for all students and staff, and promotes compliance with Section 6-113 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

For more information, see Information about MCPS Regulation GCC-RA, Staff Self-Reporting of Arrests, Criminal Charges, and Convictions.

The self-reporting form can be found at: MCPS Form 230-41, Staff Self-Reporting of Arrests, Criminal Charges, and Convictions (Confidential)

Adobe PDF GCC-RA, Staff Self-Reporting of Arrests, Criminal Charges, and Convictions 55 K
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Adobe PDF GCC-RA, Auto-Déclaration d'Arrestations, Accusations Criminelles, et Condamnations des Employés562 K
Adobe PDF GCC-RA, Tự Báo Cáo của Nhân Viên về Việc Bắt Giữ, Buộc Tội Hình Sự và Kết Án594 K
Adobe PDF GCC-RA, 員工自行報告拘捕、刑事指控和定罪711 K
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