FormsStaffEducational Services → Authorization for Section 504 Evaluation

Authorization for Section 504 Evaluation

About this Form

Form number: 270-2a

Audience:  Parents/Guardians, School Staff

Last revised: August 2024

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In order for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to evaluate the student’s eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, I give permission to the school psychologist to conduct assessment activities. I give permission to the school community health nurse or school health room technician to contact any medical personnel and to share such information with the school psychologist (when necessary). I understand that in carrying out assessment activities the school psychologist will review the student’s records; will observe the
student; may interview the student, the student’s teacher, or myself; and/or may conduct additional functional or normative assessment activities, as necessary. I understand further that the results of the assessments will be included in a confidential student file that MCPS staff members may access on a need-to-know basis and that I may authorize release of the information to another agency or professional.

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Adobe PDF Autorización para la Evaluación de la Sección 50480 KSpanish
Adobe PDF Autorisation d'évaluation en vertu de la section 50450 KFrench
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