Budget Question and Answer Archive


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It was suggested that we need a permanent roster of long-term subs—the kind that work in schools—not those that come in to take on a long-term assignment for a particular educator. Please provide information regarding this endeavor. 6
Please dedicate some time at one of the upcoming work sessions to discuss the issue of the elimination of the 504 Coordinator position at the Carver Educational Services Center that has led to increased 504 responsibilities for counselors. 8
Please provide a copy of the material handed out to students regarding gun violence/gun safety. Please make certain that the handout goes home in all languages. 4
Please provide additional information regarding the fifty additional social workers that are being added through the use of ESSER Grant funding. Is there a plan to build these positions into the overall budget going forward once this special grant funding expires? How are we doing regarding funding our mental health services going forward through the budget process because of the “pluses and minuses” we currently use? 2
Please provide information on steps taken to ensure adequate air quality in our schools, noting the concerns raised during testimonies. 1
Please provide information on the possibility of forming partnerships with other local districts so that their students can avail themselves of our Virtual Academy by paying tuition to attend. 14
Please provide information regarding the rising costs of health care noted in the overview of the Recommended FY 2023 Operating Budget. Why did the system have a surplus not long ago that is now being reported as a deficit? 12
Please provide information regarding virtual learning and the Montgomery Virtual Academy including (1) what will happen with the Virtual Academy in the coming year and (2) what are plans for staffing and budgeting for the Virtual Academy for the years to come? 5
Please provide performance and cost data regarding the Innovative Schools program. Please send the cost and performance data of the Innovative Schools program to Ms. Richey and Ms. Tesler, and any other staff that requests it. 7
Please provide the Board with refresher materials about the Lavinia Group Project, the schools that started the pilot, the plans for the project ahead, and those schools that will be joining the project in the future. 11
What is the cost to change the student to counseling ratio to 250:1 in elementary schools? Please provide the current counselor staffing ratios for various allocations including focus and non-focus schools. 9
What percentage of the 3,000+ students that are currently enrolled in the Virtual Academy have been stable/regularly attending classes since the beginning of the school year? If available, please provide information regarding the number of students that plan to re-enroll or apply for the Virtual Academy for the next school year. 13