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(March 23, 2020)
The Board of Education will hold a virtual meeting on Monday, March 23, 2020. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m. There will be no Public Comments, however, the publi ...(more)
(March 20, 2020)
External consultant WXY Architecture + Urban Design has provided the Montgomery County Board of Education with an interim report assessing Montgomery County Public Schools’ boundaries as part of ...(more)
(March 16, 2020)
Montgomery County Board of Education President Shebra Evans and Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Jack Smith released the following statement in response to County Executive Marc Elrich& ...(more)
(March 09, 2020)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m., with publ ...(more)
(March 05, 2020)
Dear MCPS Community, Tonight, we learned that the first 3 cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) that were identified in the state of Maryland are from Montgomery County. The patients are identified as a ...(more)
Superintendent Jack Smith will hold his monthly media briefing TODAY, March 5, at 10 a.m. Topics will include an update on the coronavirus and the MCPS graduation rate for the Class of 2019. Superi ...(more)
(March 04, 2020)
Three teachers have been named finalists for the 2020–2021 MCPS Teacher of the Year Award by the Marian Greenblatt Education Fund. They are: Anne Moore, kindergarten teacher at Farmland Ele ...(more)
(March 02, 2020)
The Montgomery County Board of Education (Board) met on Monday, February 24, 2020, at Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. During the meeting, the Board received a pr ...(more)
(February 28, 2020)
The Montgomery County Board of Education is proposing amendments to Board Policy JEE, Student Transfers, and is seeking public comment on the amendments. The purpose of this policy is to ...(more)
(February 27, 2020)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will hold a public hearing on Thursday, March 5, 2020, to hear testimony regarding amendments to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Capital Budget and FY 2021-2026 Capi ...(more)
(February 25, 2020)
The four-year graduation rate for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students has risen to 88.7 percent, according to data released by the Maryland State Department of Education. The MCPS graduat ...(more)
(February 21, 2020)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet on Monday, February 24, 2020, at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m., with pu ...(more)
(February 20, 2020)
The Office of Human Resources and Development is holding job fairs through the summer to hire for teachers, substitute teachers and supporting services positions. Be sure to check out the MCPS Ca ...(more)
(February 14, 2020)
The Montgomery County Board of Education (Board) met on Monday, February 10, 2020, at Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. During the meeting, the Board tentatively a ...(more)
(February 10, 2020)
The Board of Education voted unanimously to adopt a $2.805 billion budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. This includes an increase of $124.1 million from FY 2020. The budget will allow Montgomery County P ...(more)