Browse Public Announcements for All School Years

109 Schools Recognized for MSA Performance

(December 02, 2004)

The Maryland State Department of Education has announced that 109 local schools received awards in the 2004 School Performance Recognition Program. The awards were based on achievement on the Marylan ...(more)

Four Board of Education Members are Sworn In

(December 02, 2004)

Four members of the Board of Education were sworn in at a December 1 ceremony held at the Carver Educational Services Center in Rockville. Sharon Cox, current president of the Board of Education an ...(more)

Special Education Committee to Meet on December 13

(November 29, 2004)

The FY 2006 Special Education Staffing Plan Committee will meet on December 13, 2004, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at the Carver Educational Services Center (CESC). The committee will re ...(more)

Structured Tutoring Program to Assist Young Readers

(November 29, 2004)

The new Ruth Rales Reading Tutorial Initiative (RRRTI) will help 840 Grade 2 students in 56 targeted schools with the highest poverty rates learn to read fluently. The program will be highlighted at ...(more)

Enrollment in Honors/AP Shows Steady Gains

(November 24, 2004)

A growing number of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) high school students are continuing to enroll in Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses, with 65 percent of students last year enrolled ...(more)

Community Invited to Dec. 15 Budget Presentation

(November 23, 2004)

Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools, will present the proposed Fiscal Year 2006 operating budget to staff, parents, and community members on Wednesday, December 15, at 7:30 p.m. The present ...(more)

Nancy Navarro Elected to Fill District 5 Seat

(November 20, 2004)

Nancy Navarro has been elected by the Board of Education to fill the District 5 seat vacated by Dr. Henry Lee on October 12, 2004. Ms. Navarro was elected on the first ballot by a vote of four to thr ...(more)

Board Approves CIP and Capital Budget Request

(November 19, 2004)

The Board of Education approved a FY 2006 Capital Budget appropriation request totaling $225.2 million and an amended FY 2005-2010 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) request totaling $923.7 million at ...(more)

Forest Oak MS to Link to Internat'l Space Station

(November 15, 2004)

The U.S. Department of Education and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have arranged for a downlink from the International Space Station that will allow Grade 7 students at Fore ...(more)

Board to Interview Four District 5 Candidates

(November 11, 2004)

The Board of Education has selected four candidates from among the seven individuals who applied to become the District 5 representative following the resignation of Dr. Henry Lee. The term will end ...(more)

Board Approves Health Curriculum Revisions

(November 10, 2004)

The Board of Education met on Tuesday, November 9, and, among other items, approved policies on strategic planning and school counseling programs and services. The Board also approved material and cu ...(more)

Parent Approval Still Required for Family Life Class

(November 10, 2004)

No changes were made yesterday [Tuesday, November 9] by the Board of Education in the requirement that parents sign a written approval before their child can attend a class on family life and human se ...(more)

Lead Tests for 25 Additional Schools are Released

(November 08, 2004)

The analysis of water sample tests for elevated levels of lead at an additional 25 schools has been completed. Thus far, 132 schools have received completed test results (see attachment), and work co ...(more)

Report Cards to be Distributed on November 11

(November 08, 2004)

Report cards for the first marking period of the 2004-2005 school year will be sent home with students on Thursday, November 11. For the first time, report cards for students in elementary and middle ...(more)

Board of Education to Meet on Tues., November 9

(November 08, 2004)

Agenda 10:00 a.m. 1.0 Acknowledgment of a Quorum 1.1 Approval of the Agenda (A) 1.2 Veterans' Day (A) 1.3 American Education Week (A) 10:30 Public Comments 11:00 2.0 Final Action on Polic ...(more)