Browse Public Announcements for All School Years

Superintendent's Letter on Final Events

(October 25, 2002)

A new letter (#14) is being sent to parents, students, and staff today [Friday, October 25] from the superintendent, and the text is below. The letter is attached as a PDF file, and it is available o ...(more)

Board of Education Meeting Agenda, 10-28

(October 25, 2002)

7:30 p.m. Closed Session 8:00 p.m. 1.0 Roll Call 1.1 Approval of the Agenda (A) 1.2 Montgomery County Employees' Charity Campaign (A) 8:10 Public Comments 8:40 2.0 Consent Ite ...(more)

$12.5 Million National Science Foundation Grants Awarded

(October 25, 2002)

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be a partner in two major grant projects totaling $12.5 million funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), with the goals of enriching science instru ...(more)

Superintendent's Letter on New Events

(October 24, 2002)

A new letter (#13) is being sent to parents, students, and staff today [Thursday, October 24] from the superintendent, and the text is below. The letter is available on the web at ____ October 2 ...(more)

Update on Current Operations & Code Blue

(October 24, 2002)

There are no changes in school operations and the Code Blue restrictions at this time for today, Thursday, October 24. Ongoing security precautions and the prohibition of outdoor activities remain in ...(more)

All School Activities Returned to Normal

(October 24, 2002)

All indoor and outdoor activities have been returned to normal schedules for the Montgomery County Public Schools, following the announcement by law enforcement and county government officials that th ...(more)

Superintendent's Letter on Ongoing Events

(October 23, 2002)

A new letter (#12) is being sent to parents, students, and staff today [Wednesday, October 23] from the superintendent, and the text is below. The letter is available on the web at the link below. _ ...(more)

Code Blue Continued for Thurs., Oct. 24

(October 23, 2002)

All Montgomery County Public Schools will open on time Thursday, October 24, with Code Blue restrictions -- including no outdoor recess, outdoor physical education, open lunch for high school students ...(more)

Superintendent's Letter on Today's Events

(October 22, 2002)

A new letter (#11) is being sent to parents, students, and staff today [Tuesday, October 22] from the superintendent, and the text is below. The letter is available on the web at the link below. _ ...(more)

Updates on After-School Activities Oct. 22

(October 22, 2002)

The following are updates on after-school activities for today, Tuesday, October 22: * All after-school activities must be completed by 5:30 p.m. this afternoon, Tuesday, October 22. Activity bu ...(more)

Afternoon Kindergarten Canceled Today, Oct. 22

(October 22, 2002)

All schools are implementing the following additional restrictions as part of the Code Blue procedures today, Tuesday, October 22: * Afternoon pre-kindergarten and kindergarten (including Head Sta ...(more)

Implementation of Code Blue, Tues. Oct. 22

(October 22, 2002)

All Montgomery County Public Schools were directed by the superintendent of schools to implement the Code Blue procedures this morning, Tuesday, October 22, in response to increased security precautio ...(more)

Schools Open This Morning, with Traffic Difficulties

(October 22, 2002)

All Montgomery County Public Schools are open this morning, Tuesday, October 22, with obvious difficulties associated with traffic congestion in the area of the ongoing police investigation. Every ef ...(more)

Code Blue Continued for Wednesday, Oct. 23

(October 22, 2002)

Continuing Code Blue security restrictions -- including no outdoor recess, outdoor physical education, open lunch for high school students, or field trips -- will be in place Wednesday, October 23, fo ...(more)

Outdoor Activities Canceled for Tues., Oct. 22

(October 21, 2002)

Outdoor student and public activities at Montgomery County Public Schools are canceled for all day and evening on Tuesday, October 22. Indoor student and community activities will continue as schedul ...(more)