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(March 30, 2001)
Tuesday, April 3, 2001, 1:30 p. m.*12:00 noon Closed Session1:30 1.0 Roll Call 1.1 Approval of the Agenda (A) 1.2 Month of the Young Child (A) 1.3 Secretaries Week (A) 1.4 2001 Hispanic Heritage ...(more)
A major effort is under way to enhance the capacity for improved teaching and learning at Broad Acres Elementary School by significantly modifying the school's instructional program, teacher recruitme ...(more)
(March 28, 2001)
Participants from the Walter Johnson and Wheaton clusters had an opportunity to explore ways to prepare students for academic success at the first College Board Building Success Conference, held March ...(more)
(March 27, 2001)
The Pew Forum on Standards-Based Reform has named the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and the Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) as one of 10 teams of educators from across the nat ...(more)
A new educational partnership between Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and the United Kingdom's International Education Organization will bring British teachers to Montgomery County this month ...(more)
(March 22, 2001)
Marlon Smith of Success by Choice will address the ninth and tenth grade classes at John F. Kennedy High School on Wednesday, March 28, from 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. Mr. Smith, a 1985 graduate of John F. K ...(more)
Barbara Danoff Friedlander, a special education teacher at Georgian Forest Elementary School, is one of ten national winners of the 2001 Shaklee Teacher Award. The award is sponsored by the Shaklee I ...(more)
(March 20, 2001)
Montgomery County Public Schools will hold the 2001 kindergarten orientation program from Wednesday, March 21, through Friday, June 1. Special registration and orientation programs are scheduled at e ...(more)
(March 19, 2001)
Montgomery Blair High School senior Alan Mark Dunn was awarded fourth prize in the Intel Science Talent Search March 12 for his computer science project on encryption.Finishing in 11th place, just bel ...(more)
(March 16, 2001)
The following is the edited text of a letter delivered today [Friday, March 16] to County Executive Douglas M. Duncan from Board of Education President Nancy J. King and Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superinte ...(more)
(March 15, 2001)
Board of Education President Nancy J. King and Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools, released the following prepared statements today [Thursday, March 15] in response to the Fiscal Year 2002 ...(more)
The County Council will hold its public hearing on the MCPS budget on Thursday, April 5, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Council Hearing Room in Rockville. Individuals wishing to testify shou ...(more)
Two telephone hotlines are available to the school community and the general public to report safety and/or security concerns related to weapons, drugs, alcohol, violence, or any suspicious activity i ...(more)
The Montgomery County Chamber Workforce Corporation has honored representatives of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) in six categories in the annual "Heroes in Education" awards given to rec ...(more)
(March 14, 2001)
The Board of Education met yesterday [Tuesday, March 13] and, among other items, discussed the state funding formula for ESOL, approved the scope of the Einstein Middle School #2 boundary study, and r ...(more)