Browse Public Announcements for All School Years

Advanced Placement Biology Classes Blossom at John F. Kennedy High School

(October 30, 2000)

In the past, Advanced Placement biology was not a class that too many students at John F. Kennedy High School chose to take. But that was before teacher Jill Garrison Dean arrived little more than tw ...(more)

Board Discusses Preliminary Plan Responding to Math Curriculum Audit and an Update on Student Enrollment

(October 18, 2000)

Montgomery County Public SchoolsThe Board of Education met yesterday [Tuesday, October 17] and, among other items, discussed plans for addressing issues identified in a recent audit of the mathematics ...(more)

Biggest Gain in Enrollment Since 1968 Lifts School System to Largest in State as Race and Ethnic Changes Continue

(October 17, 2000)

The largest enrollment gain in 32 years has added more than 4,000 new students to the Montgomery County Public Schools, creating the largest and most diverse school district in Maryland -- with nearly ...(more)

Test Security Violation Invalidates Results for 21 Third Graders at Flower Valley Elementary School

(October 13, 2000)

A test security violation during the Maryland School Performance Assessment Program (MSPAP) at Flower Valley Elementary School last May has resulted in the invalidation of the test results for 21 thir ...(more)

Board of Education Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, October 17

(October 12, 2000)

8:30 a.m. Closed Session10:00 a.m. 1.0 Roll Call 1.1 Approval of the Agenda (A) 1.2 American Indian Heritage Month (A) 1.3 2000 Montgomery County Employees' Charity Campaign (A) 1.4 S ...(more)

Important Health Information about the West Nile Virus

(October 12, 2000)

The following message is from Carol Garvey, M.D., M.P.H., Health Officer, and Lynn Frank, FACHE, Chief, Public Health Services, Department of Health and Human Services________________________________ ...(more)

MCPS/Montgomery College Partnership to Increase College Preparedness by Using Early PSAT Administration to Monitor Student Readiness

(October 11, 2000)

Students in Grade 10 throughout Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be taking the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT) during the school day on October 17. A partnership between Mo ...(more)

Paint Branch High School Celebrates National Blue Ribbon and New American High School Awards with Ceremony and Reception for School Community

(October 11, 2000)

A community celebration and reception at Paint Branch High School on Friday, October 13, at 7:00 p.m. will recognize the school's achievement in winning two prestigious awards from the U.S. Department ...(more)

Annual Community Service Day Offers Opportunities for Volunteer Activities to Schools

(October 09, 2000)

All Montgomery County Public Schools are encouraged to participate in the 14th Annual Montgomery County Community Service Day on Saturday, October 28. Organized by the Montgomery County Volunteer Cent ...(more)

School Communities Alerted About Ways to Minimize Risk of Exposure to West Nile Virus

(October 06, 2000)

Schools throughout the county are being provided with information to distribute to their school communities regarding the West Nile Virus following discovery in the Rockville area on October 5 of dead ...(more)

Forum with the Superintendent to Offer Feedback Opportunities on 'Our Call to Action' Educational Initiatives

(September 29, 2000)

Superintendent Jerry D. Weast will host the first in a series of town meetings for school system staff and for community members on Monday, October 2, at Watkins Mills HIgh School. The meeting - for t ...(more)

County Council Allocates Funding for Collaborative Projects to Close Achievement Gap

(September 27, 2000)

The Montgomery County Council has allocated $250,000 for local community initiatives that will provide a network of projects designed to close the achievement gap between African American and Hispanic ...(more)

Board of Education Seeks Applicants for Appointment to Advisory Committees

(September 26, 2000)

The Montgomery County Board of Education is seeking adults and public school students to serve on two major committees that advise the Board of Education on important and timely educational and policy ...(more)

Three Math Studies Underscore Plans to Improve Curriculum and Teacher Practices to Raise Student Achievement

(September 25, 2000)

Systemwide efforts to pursue a more rigorous mathematics program have been bolstered by three studies that found that student underachievement is more closely related to the absence of a consistently ...(more)

Town Meetings, Multicultural Forums to Offer Feedback Opportunities on 'Our Call to Action' Educational Initiatives

(September 25, 2000)

Superintendent Jerry D. Weast will host a series of town meetings and multicultural forums across Montgomery County for staff and for community members in October and November.The meetings are designe ...(more)