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Expanded FY 2026 Superintendent’s Proposed Operating Budget Spreadsheet Now Available
On January 13, 2025, Superintendent Thomas W. Taylor released an expanded version of the FY 2026 Proposed Operating Budget spreadsheet. This expanded version of the budget represents a commitment to increased transparency in the budgeting process and is now available online for the Montgomery County community through this link.
The updated document builds upon the budget macro initially shared on December 18 and provides greater detail of budget changes across various areas of the proposed operating budget. The budget is organized by the following categories: school revenue, changes to the base budget, non-discretionary requirements, non-discretionary requirements with blueprint, and discretionary expenditures. Each line item has exhibits which provide further details.
The work to realign and reorganize central services remains in progress. Chapters 2–12 of the budget will be further updated, once this realignment work is finalized, and full budget details will be released in late January.
The first operating budget work session begins today at 10 a.m. The session will cover school revenue, non-discretionary requirements, and non-discretionary requirements with blueprint. You can view the meeting information or join the live stream through this link. Remaining parts of the budget will be discussed at a later date.
For more information on the proposed FY 2026 budget, visit https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/budget/
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