High School Level Strategies 2017-2018

Maryland Seal of Biliteracy

87.6% (1,049 out of 1,197) of Maryland students who received the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy award were from MCPS.

MCPS students also earned the first Seal of Biliteracy in German and Japanese.

Strategic Objective

Evidence of Learning

Identify multiple indicators to measure what students are learning and if they are learning enough

Priority Strategies

Trends & Measures

Readiness: In 2017-2018, student data around readiness of students for the next grade level will be determined and reported at grade 11.

Transition: Grade level transition data to be reported supports the successful transition of students at the end of grade 12.

Strategic Objective

Expanding Options and Access to Programs

Increase access to programs and resources needed for all children to be academically successful

Priority Strategies

Strategic Objective

College and Career Readiness

Graduate students who have the knowledge and skills to qualify for and succeed in entry level job or credit-bearing postsecondary coursework without the need for remediation

Priority Strategies

  • Develop and begin implementation of counseling model to effectively prepare students for college and career using Naviance
  • Provide guidance and support to parents, teacher and students on Seal of Biliteracy process and attainment. ($15,000)
  • Expand alternative pathways to graduation options for students who have not or will not meet graduation requirements. ($405,245)
  • Enhance and expand dual enrollment programs and opportunities
  • Provide funding for all 11th grade students to take SAT/ACT/Career placement exams ($450,000)
  • Summer RISE Program

Strategic Objective

Physical, Social and Psychological Well-being

Acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand personal health and wellness, manage emotions, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions.

Priority Strategies

Trends & Measures