FormsStaffStudent → Secondary Grade Modification

Secondary Grade Modification

(Within 45 school days of the end of the marking period or semester)

About this Form

Form number: 355-27A

Audience:  School Staff, Teachers

Last revised: November 2020

INSTRUCTIONS:  As set forth in MCPS Regulation IKA-RA, Grading and Reporting, a grade modification may only be issued for the immediately preceding marking period or semester. The documentation to request a grade modification must be reviewed and a determination issued by the principal within 45 school days of the end of the marking period or semester, as appropriate. Requests to modify fourth marking period or spring semester course
grades must be reviewed and a determination issued by the principal within 45 school days of the beginning of the following school year.

A copy of MCPS Form 355-27A is provided to the teacher and school counseling office to retain, according to established procedures.

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(Within 45 school days of the end of the marking period or semester)
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