FormsStaffHealth/Safety → Suicide Risk Reporting Form

Suicide Risk Reporting Form

About this Form

Form number: 335-54

Audience:  School Staff

Last revised: October 2024

Related Forms

Form 270-1 - Summary of Parent Conference

Form 336-32 - Authorization for Release/Exchange of Confidential Information

Form 560-10 - Crisis Center Referral Information

MCPS staff members have a legal duty to act when they suspect a student’s suicidal intent. This has two essential elements:

Intervene: MCPS staff have a duty to use reasonable means to attempt to prevent a suicide when they are on a notice of a student’s suicidal intent.

Parent/Guardian Notification: MCPS staff are required to warn parents/guardians of any suicide threat, including secondhand information, even when the student denies the threat.

Please complete all items below before the end of the school day. Indicate date and time when each step occurred. It is mandatory for all sections to have information completed in them.

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Adobe PDF 自殺風險報告表283 KChinese
Adobe PDF 자살 위험 보고 양식236 KKorean
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