FormsStaffHealth/Safety → Family Life and Human Sexuality (FLHS) and Disease Prevention and Control (DPC) Worksheet Annual Report—High School

Family Life and Human Sexuality (FLHS) and Disease Prevention and Control (DPC) Worksheet Annual Report—High School

About this Form

Form number: 345-30c

Audience:  School Staff

Last revised: February 2020

MCPS Form 345-30C, Family Life and Human Sexuality (FLHS) and Disease Prevention and Control (DPC) Worksheet Annual Report—High School, is no longer available as an interactive MCPS form. Maryland State Board of Education Regulation (COMAR 13A. 04.18) requires that all public schools provide instruction to students on Family Life and Human Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education. The following survey link is to be used to complete the required annual report. This Google form (link below) should be filled out upon completion of the Family Life and Human Sexuality and Disease Prevention and Control Units. One form per school should be submitted. For more information, please see MCPS Regulation IGP-RA.

HS 345-30CG:

Adobe PDF Family Life and Human Sexuality (FLHS) and Disease Prevention and Control (DPC) Worksheet Annual Report—High School *273 KEnglish

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