FormsStaffADAAA Accommodations → Emergency Evacuation Accommodations

Emergency Evacuation Accommodations

About this Form

Form number: 336-2

Audience:  School Staff, Teachers, Educational Management Teams

Last revised: December 2017

In accordance with Maryland General Assembly House Bill 1061, effective July 1, 2017:
• If a student’s IEP requires specific accommodations for evacuation in an emergency, the student’s IEP shall include those accommodations. 

  • The need for such accommodations will be documented in the Maryland Online IEP (MOIEP) and such accommodations will be reflected on this form, which must be uploaded to the student’s profile in MOIEP, placed in the student’s confidential file, and attached to the school’s emergency plan.

• If a student with a Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) plan requires specific accommodations for evacuation in an emergency, the student’s 504 team shall discuss and address the student’s needs as necessary.

  • The need for such accommodations will be documented in the online Section 504 platform and such accommodations will be reflected on this form, which must be uploaded to the online Section 504 platform, placed in the student’s confidential file, and attached to the school’s emergency plan.

These accommodations only apply to an emergency evacuation. An emergency evacuation (egress) is necessary when the conditions inside the building are worse than the conditions outside of the building. Such situations can include fires, bomb threats, and gas leaks. The requirement for accommodations do not include those instances of emergencies outlined in the school emergency plan that do not require evacuation from the school building (i.e., hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.)
Prior to the IEP team or Section 504 Educational Management Team (EMT) meeting, the case manager should consult with the school administrator and obtain a copy of the school’s current emergency plan.
When developing accommodations for students with IEPs or Section 504 Plans, the respective team should discuss the following strategies, considerations, and potential impacts. The IEP or Section 504 team also should consider whether supplementary aids would provide the necessary supports to the student during an emergency evacuation.

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