FormsStaffRecords → Student Records Review and Update Verification Certification Statement

Student Records Review and Update Verification Certification Statement

About this Form

Form number: 226-7

Audience:  Principals

Last revised: September 2023

INSTRUCTIONS:  To be completed by principal and returned by July 12, 2024.


  • To ensure that student records maintained under this title are relevant and accurate, a local school system and educational institution regulated by the State Board of Education shall provide for review and updating of student records.
  • Changes in identifying information, results of individual and group standardized tests, and health data shall be made within a reasonable time after these changes occur during the school year.
  • Review of student records shall occur at least under the following conditions:
    1. When a student transfers to the next higher organizational unit, such as from elementary to middle school level;
    2. When a student graduates from high school; and
    3.  When a student withdraws for any reason.
  • Each principal of an educational institution shall certify annually in writing to the local superintendent the accuracy of student data maintained in the student records at the educational institution.
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