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Forms → Staff → Home and Hospital Teaching → Application for Home and Hospital Teaching, with Qualified Physical Health Condition ONLY
Form number: 311-15B
Audience: Parents/Guardians, School Staff
Last revised: August 2024
Note: This form is used by the Interim Instructional Services (IIS) Office to obtain a physician or certified nurse practitioner recommendation and parent/guardian permission to initiate instruction for students with a physical health condition. Return completed application to student’s school counselor or principal/designee. For more information, see MCPS Regulation IOE-RB, Interim Instructional Services. A new completed application, with updated information from the practitioner regarding diagnosis and treatment is required for continuation of service beyond 60 calendar days. In order for this application to be considered, ALL components of this application must be completed and submitted: I. Parent portion including signature II. School portion III. Practitioner verification including specific steps the school can take to support the student returning to instruction IV. Return to school plan: The conversation regarding the return to school plan should happen with all stakeholders prior to the submission of the application. It is preferable that the plan be submitted with the application, but it must be submitted no later than 30 days after the application submission.
The school must send the form electronically, when completed, to IISOffice@mcpsmd.org. Delivery of IIS will be virtual. Individual exceptions will require review and approval by the Supervisor of Interim Instructional Services.
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