FormsParents & StudentsEnrollment/Records → Request for Approval to Complete a Course for Credit (CR)/No Credit (NC) in High School Credit Courses

Request for Approval to Complete a Course for Credit (CR)/No Credit (NC) in High School Credit Courses

About this Form

Form number: 270-32B

Audience:  Students

Last revised: October 2021

This form should be used to request that a course be taken for credit (CR)/no credit (NC) (also commonly known as pass/fail instead of a
letter grade). This option is available only for courses that are not being taken toward specific MSDE or MCPS graduation requirements,
and cannot be applied to a Certificate of Merit course. Note:
• The grade of CR (credit) or NC (no credit) will be recorded on both the student’s report card and on the student’s transcript.
• The request to take a course as CR/NC must be made no later than the 25th day of the semester. Once approved, this is considered final
and cannot be applied retroactively at the end of the course.
• No more than two courses may be CR/NC in the same semester.
• A grade of CR or NC in a course will not be included in calculating the cumulative grade point average. The grade of NC will count as a
failing grade for eligibility purposes.
• The student is required to meet all attendance and academic requirements for the course. The teacher will maintain a letter grade
equivalent in the electronic grade book.
• Use this form for approval after consulting with the school counselor about graduation requirements, college admissions and/or postsecondary

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