FormsParents & StudentsEnrollment/Records → Exemption to Kindergarten Attendance Requirement

Exemption to Kindergarten Attendance Requirement

About this Form

Form number: 560-19

Audience:  Students

Last revised: February 2018

INSTRUCTIONS:This form is to be used when requesting an exemption to kindergarten attendance. The parent/guardian completes Parts I, II, and III. The principal of the assigned school completes Part IV to indicate automatic approval and distributes copies (see distribution below). At the end of the exemption year, the parent/guardian obtains information in Part V, if appropriate. The parent/guardian is to retain their copy to be used for enrollment of student the following year.

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Adobe PDF Exención de Asistir a Kindergarten41 KSpanish
Adobe PDF Exemption Pour Retarder l’Entrée à la Maternelle41 KFrench
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Adobe PDF 幼稚園上學豁免表208 KChinese
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