FormsParents & StudentsHealth → Consent for Group Counseling

Consent for Group Counseling

About this Form

Form number: 339-2

Audience:  Parents/Guardians

Last revised: August 2020

The school psychologist can provide group counseling to students with permission from the parent(s) or guardian(s). These counseling sessions are designed to teach skills to help students be more successful in their academic and social environment. Many students may improve their school performance, attendance, and attitude towards school by taking part in group counseling sessions. Self-help issues developed in these groups often include coping strategies, stress management, problem solving, and social skills. These sessions are not intended to replace non-school based counseling that you may arrange for the student.
Students will be strongly advised to keep the information shared by others during the sessions confidential. Information disclosed by the students during group sessions is typically not revealed to anyone else by the group leader, except under certain circumstances (for example, evidence that a student is a threat to themself, others or property).

Please sign and have the student return this consent form. This consent for group counseling is valid for one school year. Student participation in counseling is strictly voluntary and consent may be withdrawn by the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) at any time. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact the school psychologist to keep informed about the student’s progress.

For individual counseling, see MCPS Form 339-1, Consent for Individual Counseling

Adobe PDF Consent for Group Counseling457 KEnglish
Adobe PDF Consentimiento para Consejería de Grupo435 KSpanish
Adobe PDF Formulaire de Consentement Pour Thérapie de Groupe50 KFrench
Adobe PDF Ưng Thuận cho Tư Vấn Theo Nhóm509 KVietnamese
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Adobe PDF Consentimento para Aconselhamento em Grupo452 KPortuguese

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