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(October 03, 2005)
County officials will join students and parents to celebrate this year’s International Walk Your Child to School Day at Meadow Hall Elementary School. The event will take place on Wednesday, October ...(more)
Members of the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) have elected Patricia B. O'Neill as president of the organization for the next year, beginning October 2005. Mrs. O'Neill is currentl ...(more)
(September 30, 2005)
Homework Hotline Live! returns to Montgomery County Public Schools Instructional Television (MCPS ITV) for its 20th broadcast season on Wednesday, October 5. The program is hosted by MCPS teachers, w ...(more)
(September 29, 2005)
The Montgomery County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations (MCCPTA), the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD), and Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) are working jointly to promote the he ...(more)
Community members are invited to share their thoughts and ideas about Montgomery County Public Schools' major strategies to improve education for all students at the third of three community forums sc ...(more)
Parents of Grade 8 students living in either the Northeast (NEC) or Downcounty (DCC) consortia areas are invited to attend a meeting on the high school options available to their students. The meetin ...(more)
(September 28, 2005)
In the wake of a fatal stabbing that occurred Friday night after a high school football game, Montgomery County Executive Douglas M. Duncan, County Council Vice President George Leventhal, Police Chie ...(more)
Two additional George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy centers, also known as “Saturday Schools,” will open on October 1, bringing the total number of centers to 12. Col. Zadok Magruder and Rockville h ...(more)
Duncan, Leventhal, Manger, and Weast To Announce Additional Police, Security for Friday Night Football Games ROCKVILLE, MD—Montgomery County Executive Douglas M. Duncan, County Council member Geo ...(more)
(September 27, 2005)
The Board of Education met on Monday (September 26) and, among other items, discussed school safety, language assistance services, a prescription drug program, and an update of the Teacher Professiona ...(more)
(September 26, 2005)
Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Kendl P. Philbrick, and Maryland Department of Transportation Secretary Robert L. Flanagan will join other officials i ...(more)
(September 25, 2005)
ROCKVILLE, MD – Leaders of the Montgomery County Public Schools worked throughout the weekend to review the events surrounding the death of a student after a high school football game Friday and to id ...(more)
One hundred thirty-one Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students have been named semifinalists in the 2005 National Merit Scholarship competition. The local students will compete with about ...(more)
(September 23, 2005)
Agenda for Monday, September 26 6:00 p.m. 1.0 Acknowledgment of a Quorum 1.1 Resolution for Closed Session (A) 6:30 p.m. 2.1 Approval of the Agenda (A) 2.2 Walk to School Day (A) 6:45 3.0 P ...(more)