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(December 01, 1999)
Despite progress among eighth graders, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) dropped from fourth to fifth place in the rankings of school districts on the Maryland School Performance Assessment Prog ...(more)
(November 30, 1999)
Fourth grade students at Glenallan Elementary School will break ground on a wetlands ecology project at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 2, at the school. At the ceremony, officials from the Chesapeake ...(more)
Notes: The Maryland School Performance Report web site, maintained by the Maryland State Department of Education, contains detailed school-by school MSPAP results. See link below.Despite progress amon ...(more)
(November 24, 1999)
The Board of Education last week [Thursday, November 18, 1999] added a request for $4.8 million to build four elementary school gyms as part of a $670.7 million Capital Improvements Program (CIP) that ...(more)
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) was named a "gold medal" school system for the fifth consecutive year by Expansion Management magazine as a measure of the attractiveness of the school system t ...(more)
(November 21, 1999)
Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2001 Operating BudgetMontgomery County Public SchoolsWednesday, December 8, 19997:30 p.m.Wheaton High School auditorium12601 Dalewood Drive, Silver SpringThe entire edu ...(more)
(November 18, 1999)
Damascus, Paint Branch and Richard Montgomery high schools are among 10 public middle and high schools in Maryland selected to receive a state Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award. The three will be ...(more)
(November 15, 1999)
State Superintendent of Schools Nancy S. Grasmick and officials from the Hewlett Packard company will honor four high school students for their award-winning posters in a statewide "Stop the Violence" ...(more)
Students in grades 2, 4 and 6 will have a new statewide assessment test to take this spring when the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS) are implemented.Administration of the tests statewide in ...(more)
(November 12, 1999)
A new collaborative education process designed to raise the academic achievement of all students and close the gap in student performance among racial and ethnic groups was unveiled this week to the B ...(more)
(November 11, 1999)
The Montgomery County Public Schools Early Childhood Technology Literacy Project (see link below) has been nominated by Steven Jobs, founder of Apple Computer, for inclusion in the Smithsonian Institu ...(more)
(November 09, 1999)
The Board of Education met yesterday [Tuesday, November 9, 1999] and, among other items, heard a presentation on the "Call to Action" overview for the school system and approved appointments of four c ...(more)
(October 29, 1999)
Students and educators from the Muncaster Challenge Program undertook a journey to freedom on October 8-11, reenacting a segment of the Underground Railroad from the Potomac River to Baltimore.They we ...(more)
(October 28, 1999)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will join with boards of education from Frederick, Howard, and Prince George's counties to present a public forum for the Maryland State Board of Education to ...(more)
A significant expansion in the school classroom space needed to serve an enrollment that will reach more than 140,000 students by 2005, an increase of nearly 9,000 students over this year, highlights ...(more)