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Forms → Staff → Personnel → Request for Approval of Higher Level Assignment (HLA)
Form number: 430-24
Audience: MCPS Staff, Principals
Last revised: January 2025
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This form is used by central office and school administrators to request approval for an employee to serve in a higher-level assignment (HLA) to fill a vacancy due to long term absence or position lapse. All HLA requests for MCAAP/MCBOA positions that are 45 days or more must go before the Board of Education in closed session for approval prior to the 45th day. Complete Sections A-C; routing of HLA requests is determined by position type as outlined in Section C. To request an extension of an approved HLA, complete Section E on the approved request form.
All requests for HLAs and extensions of approved HLAs must be submitted prior to the start date of the HLA. All HLAs will end on June 30th of the fiscal year. If the need for an HLA crosses fiscal years, two separate requests should be submitted, one for each fiscal year.
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