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Forms → Staff → Educational Services → G Suite for Education: Additional Services
Form number: 271-2
Audience: Parents/Guardians, Principals
Last revised: June 2019
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) requires consent from parents/guardians (or eligible students) to provide high school students with access to Google’s G Suite Additional Services as part of their individual student accounts. Please complete this form and return it to your student’s school. Consent remains valid for the entire time the student is enrolled in an MCPS high school and may be rescinded at any time. If you do not return the form, we will assume your child is NOT permitted to use the Additional Services.
MCPS is committed to leveraging technology in ways that ensure all students have access and opportunity to communicate, collaborate, create, and innovate safely and responsibility anywhere, anytime in support of learning. A central resource for actualizing this work is the use of G Suite for Education, a set of online productivity tools that help students and teachers to interact for teaching and learning. G Suite for Education provides students with access to a host of tools and services such as e-mail, online storage, and web-based communication and collaboration applications. MCPS views these Core Services as critical educational tools to promote academic success for all students.
MCPS takes its responsibility for protecting the confidentiality and security of student information very seriously. MCPS has contracted with Google to provide access to G Suite for Education to students in a closed and secure environment that is not accessible to anyone outside of MCPS. Google is obligated to comply with all federal and state laws regarding student data privacy and security including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). To review the generally applicable terms of service that Google provides for the Core Services in their entirely, please visit: https://gsuite.google.com/terms/education_terms.html.
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