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Forms → Staff → Personnel → Substitute Teacher Removal Request
Form number: 445-18
Audience: Principals
Last revised: January 2023
Prior to submitting this form, the principal or administrator will refer to the information and action steps in the document, Guidelines for Responding to Allegations of Substitute Teacher Misconduct and Performance Issues (updated August 2017), and meet with or contact the substitute teacher by telephone to share the reason why the request is being made and give the substitute an opportunity to respond to the removal request. This form does not apply to incidents involving suspected child abuse and/or other allegations of criminal activity reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) and/or law enforcement agencies. This form applies only for an incident involving other alleged inappropriate behavior or performance issues. For incidents involving suspected child abuse or neglect and/or other allegations of criminal activity reported to CPS or other law enforcement agencies, after ensuring the required reporting to CPS and/ or law enforcement agencies, the principal or designee should notify the Office of School Support and Well-Being (OSSWB). OSSWB will notify the Department of Compliance and Investigations (DCI), in the Office of Human Resources and Development.
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