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(March 25, 2011)
Two new community garden sites on Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) property are opening this spring. MCPS, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) and the Montg ...(more)
(March 24, 2011)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet on Monday, March 28, 2011,in the Board Meeting Room at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The public portion ...(more)
(March 22, 2011)
Staying fit as a family, the new “common core” state standards and transitions to middle and high school are among the topics that will be covered during the spring session of the MCPS Parent Academy. ...(more)
(March 15, 2011)
Montgomery County Board of Education President Christopher S. Barclay expressed disappointment in the Fiscal Year 2012 operating budget recommended by Montgomery County Executive Isiah “Ike” Le ...(more)
(March 14, 2011)
Twenty three Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students are being honored by the National Carson Scholars Fund, a non-profit organization that promotes academic excellence and ...(more)
(March 11, 2011)
The Montgomery County Board of Education met on Tuesday, March 8, and discussed, among other items, innovations in the area of technology and an update on the search for a new superintendent. The Bo ...(more)
(March 10, 2011)
The Montgomery County Board of Education has requested community comment regarding its Policy IOD, Education of English Language Learners. On March 8, 2011, the Board of Education ten ...(more)
(March 09, 2011)
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) today unveiled a redesigned website with a fresh new look that makes it easier for users to find what they are looking for and offers an improved search ...(more)
(March 04, 2011)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, in the Board Meeting Room at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The public po ...(more)
(March 01, 2011)
The Montgomery County Board of Education met on Monday, February 28, 2011 and discussed, among other items, the superintendent’s recommendation for a modernization project at Wheaton High School and T ...(more)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 15 regarding the modernization of Wheaton High School and the Thomas Edison High School of Technology. The public ...(more)
(February 25, 2011)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet on Monday, Feb. 28, 2011, in the Board Meeting Room at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The public por ...(more)
(February 22, 2011)
Montgomery County Public Schools will open two hours late today due to emergency weather conditions. Bus service will be provided on a two-hour-delayed schedule. Morning prekindergarten, morning h ...(more)
(February 18, 2011)
Board of Education President Christopher S. Barclay wrote the following message to the community about the FY 2012 budget. Media outlets are encouraged to use this column as deemed appropriate. Fun ...(more)
(February 17, 2011)
More than 3,800 individuals provided feedback The Montgomery County Board of Education today (February 17, 2011) released a report on the desired characteristics that community members and stakehol ...(more)