FormsStaffStudent → Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Incident School Investigation Form

Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Incident School Investigation Form

About this Form

Form number: 230-36

Audience:  School Staff

Last revised: August 2024

Related Forms

Form 230-35 - Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form

Instructions: Upon receipt of MCPS Form 230-35, Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form, the school principal/designee must promptly conduct an adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation. The investigation must be documented by completing this form. Principal/Designee must use this form, MCPS Form 230-36, Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Investigation Form, to promptly and appropriately investigate reports of bullying, harassment, or intimidation consistent with due process rights, within two school days after receipt of a
reporting form or as timely as possible for school administration or administrative designee.

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