A Message from the MCPS School System Medical Officer

Summer Message -
Stay Safe, Stay Connected

June 14, 2023

Dear MCPS Community,

As we close out the school year and recognize the hard work and accomplishments of our students, staff and families, we also look forward to the summer months! Summer seems to have already arrived as we spend more time outdoors, negotiate heat and bug bites, and start to gather at pools and parks. 

To enjoy summer safely, we encourage parents and caregivers to consider summer injury prevention and health promotion. Playground, sports and water safety, preventing heat injury, and sun protection are great topics to review with family members and other caregivers.  Teenagers spending time with friends or working may benefit from additional conversations about subjects such as car safety, expectations around communication, accountability, and risk-taking behaviors like alcohol or other drug use.

The summer months can also be stressful for some families as they move away from schedules and resources available during the school year. Students may feel isolated from peers, miss trusted adults at school, or spend more time on screens and social media. Staying connected through open communication, being mindful of how kids interact with others, and investing in summer routines helps both emotional and physical health. Nutrition, exercise and sleep schedules tend to shift over the summer and everyone feels better if they are well-nourished, active and rested. 

Wishing you all the best for a happy and healthy summer.

Patrician Kapunan, M.D., MPH
MCPS Medical Officer

American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Children Website

Staying Safe Outdoors / Cómo mantenerse seguro al aire libre)

Sun Safety and Protection Tips / Consejos de seguridad y protección bajo el sol

Swim Lessons: What Parents Need to Know (Includes How to Supervise Your Child In and Around Water  

Clases de natación: cuándo comenzar y qué deben saber los padres (y Cómo supervisar su niño cuando está dentro o en cercanías del agua)

Beyond Screen Time: Help Your Kids Build Healthy Media Use Habits / Hábitos saludables para el uso de pantallas en la infancia y adolescencia

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Give Your Kids a Healthy Body and Mind This Summer / Este verano, dé a sus hijos un cuerpo y una mente sanos

Children’s National Hospital Rise and Shine Series

Six Tips for Setting Up a Summer Routine

Preventing Summer Asthma Flare Ups

Preparing Your Child with Autism for Summer Break

Teen Health

From KidsHealth.org: Summer Safety for Teens 

From the Center for Young Women’s Health / Young Men’s Health

Safety at Parties

Driving Safety

Peer Pressure / Presión de los Pares

Getting Ready for College Health / Salud Universitaria

Email us: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd.org

Montgomery County Public Schools