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(November 11, 2002)
Students who attended most, if not all, of last summer's four-week program known as Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) achieved, on average, higher levels of skill development in reading and mathem ...(more)
(November 08, 2002)
Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 10:00 a. m.* 9:00 a.m. Closed Session 10:00 a.m. 1.0 Roll Call 1.1 Approval of the Agenda (A) 1.2 Veterans Day (A) 1.3 American Education Week (A ...(more)
(November 04, 2002)
An information meeting on Northeast Consortium signature programs has been scheduled for families of Grade 8 students who are currently enrolled in private schools and reside in the Northeast Consorti ...(more)
The Montgomery County Board of Education will honor 14 individuals and organizations in its sixth annual awards program for distinguished service to public education in Montgomery county. The awards ...(more)
(November 01, 2002)
A grand opening ceremony on November 7 at 9:00 a.m. will launch the new Parents’ Place at Newport Mill Middle School in Kensington, the first parent resource center housed in a secondary school. The ...(more)
(October 31, 2002)
Bone marrow donors are being sought for Dani Shotel, a 26-year-old preschool special education teacher who taught at Clarksburg Elementary School for two years. A 1994 graduate of Thomas.S. Wootton Hi ...(more)
(October 29, 2002)
The Board of Education met yesterday [October 28] and, among other items, adopted a revised policy on Parental Involvement and reviewed boundary change options. The Board also discussed an update on ...(more)
A new annual report for the Montgomery County Public Schools has been published for parents, staff, and the community, providing detailed information about continuing major improvements and challenges ...(more)
The reopening of the former Arcola Elementary School to relieve overcrowding in the John F. Kennedy and Albert Einstein clusters was recommended to the Board of Education today [Tuesday, October 29] b ...(more)
(October 28, 2002)
A higher percentage of students last year completed at least Algebra 1 or a higher-level mathematics course in middle school and more students enrolled in at least one Honors or Advanced Placement (AP ...(more)
Christie Todd Whitman, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will present Montgomery County Public Schools with the EPA’s Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Excellence Award for ...(more)
(October 25, 2002)
A new letter (#14) is being sent to parents, students, and staff today [Friday, October 25] from the superintendent, and the text is below. The letter is attached as a PDF file, and it is available o ...(more)
7:30 p.m. Closed Session 8:00 p.m. 1.0 Roll Call 1.1 Approval of the Agenda (A) 1.2 Montgomery County Employees' Charity Campaign (A) 8:10 Public Comments 8:40 2.0 Consent Ite ...(more)
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be a partner in two major grant projects totaling $12.5 million funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), with the goals of enriching science instru ...(more)
(October 24, 2002)
A new letter (#13) is being sent to parents, students, and staff today [Thursday, October 24] from the superintendent, and the text is below. The letter is available on the web at ____ October 2 ...(more)